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Swedish Morphological Society

—  Decision Support Modelling with Morphological Analysis  —

General Morphological Analysis (GMA) is a computer-aided modelling method for structuring and analysing the total set of relationships contained in multivariate, non-quantified problem complexes. Originally developed for strategic decision support at the Institute for Technology Foresight and Assessment (at FOI - Stockholm), it is used by government agencies, international NGOs and academic research institutes for modelling complex policy and planning issues, developing scenario and strategy laboratories, and analysing organisational and stakeholder structures. GMA is especially useful for working with so-called Wicked Problems.

Featured Articles [download in PDF] For more, visit our On-line Journal: Acta Morphologica Generalis

»  New BOOK in progress: "In the Beginning was Chiasmus: On the Epistemology of Non-quantified Modal Modelling"
     [Download Introduction: "The science of cross-classification"]
     [Download Chapter 4: "Plato, cross-division and the genesis of modelling theory"]

»  New BOOK in progress: Conceptual Modelling, Combinatorial Heuristics and Ars Inveniendi: An Epistemological History
     [Download Chapters 1 & 2] Introduction and Theoretical Background
     [Download Chapter 4] Ramon Llull and the Combinatorial Art

Also featured:
° Book on GMA from Springer: Decision Support Modelling with Morphological Analysis.
° Article from Academia Letters: General Morphological Analysis: An overview.
° Visit the home page of the Second International Symposium on GMA, Bilbao 11-12 June, 2016.
° Download short descriptions of GMA in 13 languages: GMA multi-language summaries.

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  • For information on licensing and on-line training contact:
  • Reduced-price morphological modelling "at-a-distance". [Download details]

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    For more information download a Prospectus.
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