Featured Articles [download in PDF]
For more, visit our On-line Journal: Acta Morphologica Generalis
» BOOK in progress: "In the Beginning was Chiasmus: On the Epistemology of Non-quantified Modal Modelling"
[Download Introduction: "The science of cross-classification"]
[Download Chapter 4: "Plato, cross-division and the genesis of modelling theory"]
» BOOK in progress: Conceptual Modelling, Combinatorial Heuristics and Ars Inveniendi: An Epistemological History
[Download Chapters 1 & 2] Introduction and Theoretical Background
[Download Chapter 4] Ramon Llull and the Combinatorial Art
Also featured:
° Book on GMA from Springer:
Decision Support Modelling with Morphological Analysis.
° Article from Academia Letters: General Morphological Analysis: An overview.
° Visit the home page of the Second International Symposium on GMA, Bilbao 11-12 June, 2016.
° Download short descriptions of GMA in 13 languages: GMA multi-language summaries.
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Reduced-price morphological modelling "at-a-distance". [Download details]